何芳,美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)历史学博士,曾任教于上海纽约大学和加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校。研究领域为美国亚裔史、美国近现代史、比较性别史,关注美国排华法案、美国移民、种族和性别,女性身体与消费主义,以及跨国史和全球史。曾开设英文课程“你可能不知道的影响中美的历史人物” 、美国华裔女性和社会性别”、“美国华裔史” 。
Fang He is Assistant Professor of History at Southwest University. She completed her PhD in History at University of California, Santa Barbara. She specializes in transnational histories of gender, Asian America, and U.S. immigration. Prior to joining Southwest, she taught at New York University, Shanghai, and UC Santa Barbara. She is currently working on a monograph that investigates how and why the use, misuse, and abuse of knowledge about Chinese footbinding was paradoxically institutionalized in US enforcement of Chinese exclusion laws across the Pacific in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
“Fashioning Female Feet at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: US Cinderellas, Chinese Alterity or Global Beauty?” Gender & History (同行评审,史学二区,A&HCI 和 SSCI收录,2022年12月)
“‘Golden Lilies’ Across the Pacific: Footbinding and the American Enforcement of Chinese Exclusion Laws.” In Gendering the Trans-Pacific World, edited by Catherine Ceniza Choy and Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, (Brill, 2017), 284-306. (同行评审)
《评贺萧(Gail Hershatter)著< 妇女与中国革命>》,美国Rowman & Littlefield出版社,《清华社会科学》(商务印书馆),(2022年4月)264 - 272页。
Book Review of In Pursuit of Gold: Chinese American Miners and Merchants in the American West, by Sue Fawn Chung. Urbana, Il.: University of Illinois Press, 2011. In Enterprise & Society (Cambridge University Press), 2015, 16: 988 - 990.
“Charles K. Kao.” In Asian Americans: An Encyclopedia of Social, Cultural, and Political History (ABC-CLIO, 2014).
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